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First AI artwork course posted: Intro To Lookin' Like You Know AI Artwork 101 -1
Copilot AI from Microsoft Made You a Game: Playing Stellethee University: A Summer Break Adventure
Check out Bob's AI Artwork @ Bob's Department of University Amusement
The boring disclaimer, the real part, and the briefest history possible
ARG Keyword: #stellethee
This University is a comical offshoot of actual, real-life online teaching courses that were created and published, some dating back to 1996, with research and origins in programming and visual design in 1993. A version of the real-world publishing resulted in a critical real-world viral marketing event about one-year prior to Google and several years prior to Myspace. Those courses were a precursor to today's Coding Culture.
The rest of Stellethee University's concept is partly fiction, and intended to be fun. (...and sell some merchandise.)
"Merchandising! Merchandising! Where the real money of the alternate reality games are made!" (a quote from Bob's Boss based on Bob's Boss's favorite parody.)
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6-Digit Codes Don't Cut It: Head to Amazon For Your Own YubiKey - We Verified It Works
You can't find our campus directly from an exit sign on a highway. Unfortunately, the sign that was placed only once was repaired shortly after (rendition of the typo below). The corrected sign now in existence reads that the exit in 2 miles goes to a real borough. We took advantage of the signing of Epharta to help get you to us faster.
The gist (oops, almost typo'd jist) of the joke about "no one can find us," which we would say in a "more professorly" tone, although basically the exact same thing, just making this web page longer, is that Pennsylvania made an exit sign for a town (borough, to be proper) that had letters in the wrong places. The correct spelling on this place, was Ephrata, but the wrongly spelled sign made it sound like there was flatulence, and those residents around the area sometimes chuckled because it was in a strong manure area. (aka, it stank part of the year.)
Artist's Rendition of the Exit Sign
The name on the incorrect sign, belonging to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, is in the public domain name. So feel free to add places near Our University in alternate reality game stories. Just don't do it on a real maps website or real maps app. That's completely unethical. Don't pin anything in Epharta. Much appreciation there.
If you've never been to our part of Pennsylvania, we're quietly nestled among fields and rolling green hills. Well, in some seasons, the hills are not all green. And in some seasons, many of the fields don't smell very good at all. But, that's besides the point.
We're in a tourist area, but The Stellethee Bookstore went completely online during COVID-19. The Stellethee Bookstore also sells our apparel and other merchandise.
Direct Hop to the Stellethee Merch and Bookstore
Silly, Serious, or Sarcastic?
Let's not send > 15,000 alternate reality game players into those replies for the elite secret codes, okay @CreeCoder ?!?
— Bob E. Peeechdee (@bobsrants) June 8, 2024
Correct Classes for Copilot: Names and Summaries of Beginning Courses
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